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woman with pretty skin and makeup

Jess Falcone, Beauty Consultant

"A chance to encounter something wonderful"

Hello and welcome! My name is Jess.  I am a 41-year-old, self proclaimed Korean Beauty enthusiast.  I just can't get enough.  Whatever is broken in my life my skin care fixes.  It's more than just smooth, hydrated skin for me. It's that 10 minutes that you get at the end of a day (where everything goes wrong) to put yourself first.


In my early 30's, I began to notice that my skin was aging faster than I would have liked. I was getting wrinkles and fine lines, and people would often mistake me for being older than I really am. It was then that I became determined to find a solution that would help me look and feel my best as my confidence took a deep dive.
















After years of research and experimentation, I discovered the incredible world of Korean beauty products and methods. I learned about the importance of safe, natural ingredients and developed a skincare routine that truly transformed my skin.

Now, I'm passionate about sharing my knowledge and expertise with others. I believe that everyone deserves to feel confident and beautiful in their own skin, no matter what their age or background. That's why I offer personalized beauty consulting services that are tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each individual client.


Whether you're struggling with acne, aging skin, or just looking to upgrade your skincare routine, I'm here to help. Let's work together to unlock your natural beauty and achieve your skincare goals!

before picture of woman with dry dehydrated skin
picture of woman with no makeup after using korean beauty products


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